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Into Abyssinia: The Odyssey of a Family By Carl E. Hansen


Into Abyssinia: The Odyssey of a Family deals with our first eight years of living and serving with the emerging Meserete Kristos Church in pre-revolutionary feudal Ethiopia. It is our adventure, novice missionaries adapting to a vastly different culture, while raising our family.

The events take place from 1967 to 1975, a pivotal time in Ethiopia’s history marked by growing discontent with feudalism, poverty, drought, and famine that spilled over into a revolution.

For all "The Odyssey of a Family" Series Postage and handling is free. For one book, add $6 for postage and handling.

Contact me at 1523 Park Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 or by email at, or phone at 540 830 0902. Make checks payable to Carl E. Hansen or pay by Venmo to Vera-Hansen-4